Friday 8 December 2006

Wii Moment in History

For those of you who know me you'll know that I like a bit of gaming. I'm far from the biggest gammer, but I do love to sit down and enjoy a good bash/shoot/hack/plot every now and again.

As such I remember a fair number of systems through the ages, and very little in there progression has ever suprised me. Don't missunderstand me, Xbox 360 is awsome and when I see the improvements in graphics, game play and mechanics I nod, smile (sometimes even drool a little) and say to myself, "here it is, the new benchmark. If the next FPS hasn't incorporated at least some of the new cool that Gears of War has shown us, then they're just not trying." But as impressive as these improvements are, they're not surprising, it's a natural progression to improve.

Then along came Wii. I was on the floor, or more accuratly for the first time, I wasn't on the floor. I was standing, I was swinging, I was sweating! And I loved it!
The name aside, and the hours of amusement I have already had making Wii jokes, this system and the way the games have been designed around the IR of the nunchuk (thats what they call the controller) are suprising, there is no other word for it. I had heared how it was going to be set up. I had seen jokes and comics of how it's played. Let me tell you now YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR THE COOL!!!

Above all to me its the finer details that they are able to pick up now from the remote, there is full giroscopic awareness. This adds a level to the most basic of games, so that a simple baseball game, is hours of entertainment, gets you actually up and working a sweat (at least if you are as unfit as i am) and gives it more replayability then that first porn video you managed to stash under your bed as a teen.

I love this system, purely for its fun unique game play. I'm not even going to go into boxing (MAX FUN TO THE EXTREEM) or the benefits that perents will see with a system that will make sure that there little kids get the fun they're after without becoming as round as they are tall. I'm just going to say "Congratulations Nintendo", once again they have furthered their niche market by bringing something new to the market that is both fun and unique.


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