Monday 11 December 2006

A Few too Many

Heraclitus, a philosopher in 500 AD said that "It is better to hide ignorance, but it is hard to do this when we relax over wine".

I find (and i'm sure this is a sign of my age) that the more I go out drinking, the less I understand why we do it. Perhaps this is just a reflexive response to my night on Saturday, which unfortunately did involve some regurgitation, memory loss and most unfortunately, far, far too much dancing. Were I younger I probably would have uttered some falsehood about never drinking again, which would promptly be forgotten the next weekend.

I am reminded of Robert Benchley who said “Drinking makes such fools of people, and people are such fools to begin with, that it’s compounding a felony”.
Truly I cannot understand how people do this regularly, I especially find Alcoholism unfathomable at times like this. From the pains deep within my very bones after such a night, unsettled stomach, wasted money, and embarrassment from simply not knowing whether i've made a fool of myself or not (thankfully I hadn't) I just could not imagine repeating such an evening, especially the next day.

Of course I am not saying that I'll never drink again, I guess i'm hoping that from this night I will learn some restraint. And I don't say this as a petulant whine, but a true and reverent wish. I am no longer filled with the desire to waste all my money on a night that I can't remember in the end. When I was younger I remember saying that I didn't actually like the taste of alcohol and drank purley for the purpose of getting drunk. I guess I am at the point in life where I wish to reverse that statement. Going forward I would prefer to enjoy the company I keep, and sip on a tastful quality drink. I am still willing to get drunk after all as Henry Thoreau said "Do not be too moral. You may cheat yourself out of much life" I am simply no longer wanting getting drunk to be the goal, and for the level of drunk to be considered enjoyable at the time, and on the following morning.



Salem said...

I'm one of those people that can count the number of times I've 'gone out' to drink and enjoyed myself on one hand. The total number is precisely 5.

The sad fact of things in my oppinion is this, if I am not planning on getting myself at least slightly innebreated then drinking is a waste of money. I'm just as happy to enjoy a high quality cup of coffee as a high quality glass of cognac.

Don't get me wrong, given the choice, I'll take the cognac (my heritage simply demands that I do so), but I will probably be planning on switching to something cheaper once the fuzzy warmth of drunkeness starts to set in.

Pehaps if I was fabulously wealthy and spending $400.00 a bottle on a quality cognac (and now I'm just using cognac as an example, it could just as easily be sherry or some other fancy liquid) wouldn't make any difference at all to how much holiday time I spent in my cottage up in the Belgian country side this season, then I'm sure I wouldn't care as much.

Then again, perhaps I suffer due to the same heritage I'm so proud of and can't see past my refined tastes enough to accept that a $50 bottle of sherry is good enough to only have one small glass of each night before bed.

Oh the hell with it. Turns out I have nothing constructive to add and I'm just rambling. Forget I said anything.

Kahn said...


I guess my basic point is i'm still more then happy to feel fuzzy, I just want to work on not pushing to much past that point

Salem said...

Speaking of fuzzy, I'll be looking forward to a somewhat fuzzy weekend I think. I've officially given my employers notice of my intention to leave. Now I just have to figure out what the hell I'm going to do instead.

Fuzz me up Scotty...

Kahn said...

executive consultant?

Salem said...

Tempting, and I mean that in a very serious way. I may just grab a part-time job and look into it a lot more.

I have to wonder if I could make that work. I'd sure as hell like to.

Frejak said...

fuzzy sounds like a nice idea.
I think I got over in Sydney going out for the sole purpose to get smashed.
now I would much prefer as well to sit down with good friends, have a nice feed or whatever sorts and enjoy a bottle or two with them. At least that way I still remember that yes that was me dancing and singing on top of the chair out side trying to balance a lighter on my head and no that wasn't me speaking to the fence for an hour whilst in an emotional battle against Spock. Or something else just as embarrasing.
So over all my vote will be in favour of the fun small drinks with mates........I don't see myself however saying no to a frenzied seedy drink binge on the occasion! Not anytime soon. *grin*

Salem said...

You don't want a boyfriend,
what you want is Mr. Spock,
to come to your wasteland
and destroy the robot.
Something more than human,
someone with blood that's cold and green.
You want something better,
than me.

Chourus of 'Mr. Spock' by 'Nerf Herder'

Man I love Nerf Herder songs, you can use them for almost anything!

Sara_Jayne said...

Goat Herder Barbie

Kahn said...

Too many Barbies!!!