Wednesday 23 January 2008

Sling Shots

Now I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "God... here we go again, he's going to ramble on about a damn slingshot and some kind of Zombie Apocalypse." and normally you'd be right. I do love my Zombie Plans but on this occasion I have something else in mind. Coming up in the very near future we have Frejak's birthday and we will be heading out to one of Brisbane's premier night spots, the fabulous Sling Lounge. I've loved this place since I first turned up. Let me tell you the story of why.

Back in the day, the Lychee Lounge was pretty much my favourite place to go out to in Brissy. The reason was that while the location and atmosphere were great, the drinks were just off the charts. While most of the staff there were pretty good, when I first went, I went with a good friend of mine that had worked at the Lychee Lounge and as a consequence, all our drinks were made by the best guy in the joint, Dustin Davis. Davis is a whiz behind the bar and so every time I went back, he was the one that we had making our drinks. I never got to know Davis super well, but he's the kind of guy that is smart enough to know that I will rave about him to anyone that wants to listen so he treats me well. When he left the Lychee Lounge to start up his own place with 2 other accomplished colleagues, I was more than happy to follow, thus I ended up at Sling. The more I go back, the more I get to say hi and see what he's doing with the place and truthfully, I just love being able to say we know the guy, he's just awesome.

If you haven't been yet, you should and you don't have to take my word for it either as there are a few others that are just as happy to rave about the place. It's not hard to find and it's very easy to want to stay there. The food is great, the cocktail list is seemingly endless and the place has such an awesome quality to it that you will not want to leave. Some people like bar hopping, but me, I'll stay planted at Sling and soak it up. I'm looking forward to Frejak's birthday, should be a great time with some great people. I just hope they remember to get back to her soon so we know how many to book for!

Best place for alcohol abuse ever!


Kahn said...

Nice plug :)

There's not really much more I can say about this. I agree, basically if i'm going out in Brisbane i'm going to sling. There's just no reason to go anywhere else.

Salem said...

Unless you want to have a crap night. If that's what you're after, don't go to Sling.

Kahn said...

ah good point.