Thursday 24 January 2008

I am not the thief you're looking for...

Seriously, I'm not! I mean, I am a thief, but today, it's ok. Kinda like Robin Hood, I'm stealing from the rich (in this case Penny Arcade) to give to the poor (that would be myself and the limited number of people that visit this blog). What I'm stealing is a video that Tycho posted up and I think you'll like it. Take a look:

Wasn't that awesome? He has a good point about the 3D being far more immersive and for people like Frejak, this is exactly what we need! I would recommend taking a look at the guy's website if you're into your techno-fantasies. I say that not because his stuff is fictional, but because as much as I can see an almost endless string of applications for his work, I doubt we're lucky enough to live in a world where industries are willing to listen to independent ideas regarding their own equipment.

Damn you Nintendo! I know that it prints money, but you could be printing larger denominations!

Ahh well. Perhaps someday we'll see all the cool new tech being released straight away rather than getting held up for years by greedy companies that don't like letting the thousands of super-brains just do their thing and give us the kind of tech that we want instead of just having to put up with the simplest and most rigid applications that the companies let us have.

Surely there's still hope...

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