Thursday 31 May 2007

Whose House?

It certainly is a good question but you'll have to wait for my next post for the answer. We have, however, started preparing for our upcoming move. For those that aren't aware, Kahn, Kallisar, Frejak and I will be sharing a house as of Friday week. To mark the occasion, I have grabbed the following for Kahn:

I will be looking for a good cognac sometime this weekend for myself and we have a simply delightful (yet saucey) imported beer lined up for Frejak. On the whole, I think I'm going to enjoy this. Also, I've noted that we do tend to enjoy the finer things in life, especially when they're imported from either a French or Spanish speaking country. I think I'll just put it down to good breeding. I believe we are all from noble stock aren't we?

Mighty and Powerful God.


Kahn said...

Well, I know that I am from a Scottish noble line.

Salem said...

I've got Belgian and French nobility in me.