Wednesday 16 July 2008

My thought for the day

Its 11:12pm, everyone else has gone to bed, the wonderful bundle of teething - still cute, i've just had a lovely j and looking at the view.

Anyone whos knows my parents place will know exactly where I'm talking about. Looking out my window I can see across the day bed. With the moon becoming fuller and a magical clear night, the night itself is lit with moonlight almost as clear as day. Due to the still freezing temperature and night moisture there is the most amazing mist bank in the valley.

To give a good idea of just how huge this mist bank is. If you're sitting on the day bed and look down the bottom of the cleared area at the tree line just down from the rise. That tree line is where the mist is starting.

It is so thick and heavy that it appears in the light that you could walk on it. Ever since I could remember I always believed that you could walk on it and it would take you to where ever you wanted to go. Its not hard to see there I read alot of fantasy when I was young. I only ever tried once, hurt alot .........and thats something completely different and not what I'm talking about right now.

So, theres the view I have at the moment. Absolutly gorgeous and I've loved it all my life.
Got me thinking how much I love my view of the city from the balcony at home. I'm truely fascinated by it and could sit for hours just looking at it.

Both views are very cool in their own way, yet I sit here wanting to be looking at the other.

Don't get me wrong, I've had fun and its been great to be with my folks. But I'd like to come home now.

1 comment:

Salem said...

I'd like to have you here. Not long now though. Saturday is just around the corner :)