Disclaimer:Don't read this. No seriously, I posted this up simply to pass the time and perhaps look back at in the future and get a bit of perspective. As such, this contains nothing even remotely amusing and I can promise that it's just a bunch of self-gratifying BS. In short, this is just the kind of crap that you can find posted all over MySpace (no I will not link to them, no matter how relevant) and exactly the kind of thing that makes me loathe that same site. Run, run for the hills and never look back at this mass of writhing egotism!End of Disclaimer.Well, today is Thursday and I've finished off all my work for the week. This is a good thing to be sure, but my week has plagued me somewhat. On the whole, I think this has been one of the worst weeks I've ever had but to make sure, I've decided to make a list of pros and cons. Why am I posting it? Meh, it's my blog and I'll post what I like. It's in
the charter dammit.
So let's take a look at what has transpired between last Thursday and today.
Pros:Went for my second interview at Pandemic Studios in Brisbane.
I Finished off the last of the bridge that I've been working on.
I got paid.
Frejak was able to attend my work Christmas party.
Got to kiss my girlfriend in front of our co-workers. (Complicated)
I have time to take all my allotted smoke breaks at work.
I've managed to amass 2 weeks of paid leave.
I was given a slingshot... a really good one.
I still have decent coffee in the cupboard here at the office.
Cons:My girlfriend broke up with me.
I've still got a nagging cough and the sniffles.
After paying bills and rent, I've had $.063 since Friday.
I missed the work Christmas party because I was working.
It was the last kiss I will ever receive from her.
I just ran out of smokes, making smoke breaks useless.
I organised a week long trip to my parents house.
My track record shows that slingshots get me in trouble.
My diet this week has consisted of little more than coffee.
That's really about all of it I guess. Looking over it, this week really has sucked. Thankfully, I've eaten so very little this week that my body is surrendering to my brain, so it feels like I'm floating on a cloud of endorphins that really shouldn't be there. Besides, I think I used up a years quota of depression on Sunday and Monday, so I don't have the emotional energy for anything more than apathy right now. We should all know this formula by now:
Apathy + Endorphins = Mild EuphoriaI'll be floating around here somewhere for a while yet I'd say. Perhaps I'll go home and risk playing around with that slingshot...
It really was an awesome gift.
No, you probably didn't need to know any of that.