Monday, 1 September 2008
But What About The Coconuts?
click bellow for the answer we have all been waiting for.
Monday, 18 August 2008
Thursday, 31 July 2008
News Flash!
Bringing you the most thrilling news you'll ever read.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
well well well, will ya looky here...
I don't work now, so, you know, I don't have to fill my days with interwebs and small sculptures made out of paper clips.
I am fortunate enough to be ill. And I timed it nicely with Salems week off! So he and I have been eating corn fritters, smoking, and generally shooting the shit. That is when i'm not lying down in tiny agony from my freaking kidneys, this is when he trys to kill the robot, and guess what? he finally did it! Bravo Salem, bravo. Well, i think by the pain in my back, up time is over, i'm gonna go lie down with Snow Crash, probably fall asleep after 3 pages (damn it!) and wait till the beloved Kahn gets home and hugs me. YAY! Infact Frejak should hug me too. Not too low. Not. Too. Low.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
First Annual Award for Cigarette Packaging Excellence
First off, an honourable mention goes to... Skydancer Menthol's!

Kamel Reds came in at the bottom of the pack (get it? Pack... like a cigarette pack... ok shut up now). They have a wonderfully... eye catching redness about them. Yes... very good.

Moving right along, the lovely Sandia. They come in red, blue, green, light blue, light green... they just come in a fuck load of colours ok? They do have some nice mountains on them though, so they have that going for them.

Seneca... how the fuck do you say that? I don't know, do you? Who cares, they have more pretty mountains done in silver foil and that's really what we care about.

Desert Sun has the next pack of coolness. We like the cactus in the setting desert sun. Enough said.

The next is an old favorite in joke circles I'm sure, you know the name... Smokin' Joes! They have the most garish packaging we've ever seen and boy! Don't the kids just love 'em!

Tucson have a very nice look to them. Very Texas Ranger if you know what I mean (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Confused? Well that's ok. I don't get it either.

This is a little disappointing as Salem brand cigarettes didn't quite make it to first place. Still it does show that I'm not playing favorites here, they really do just have an awesome pack. Let's see what a pack of Crumples looks like huh? Yeah, that's right, Salems are the almost winner!

And the winner is.... Nat Shermans! Sure is lucky we didn't judge by name I suppose. Either way, they have the best pack around and the cigarettes that are held within are just as classy. Black with a gold foil filter! How good is that? Pretty fuckin' good is at least how good that is. I'm going to get some.

Ok, we do have one last treat for you. The "Most likely to kill you with just a single one of their unspeakable death sticks!" award. We found these hiding away in the back and at a massive 20.5mg per cigarette, they're sure to knock the air out of you. Not sure which end though. May just bust a hole right in the side of your rib cage. So you know, these are about twice the strength of our sponsored Davidoff classics. Hard hitting, you bet your peace-pipe smoking indians they are!

I hope you have all enjoyed this glimps into the wonderful world of cigarette packaging. Take care folks!
How about we take a 5 minute break... smoke if you got 'em.
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
My thought for the day
Anyone whos knows my parents place will know exactly where I'm talking about. Looking out my window I can see across the day bed. With the moon becoming fuller and a magical clear night, the night itself is lit with moonlight almost as clear as day. Due to the still freezing temperature and night moisture there is the most amazing mist bank in the valley.
To give a good idea of just how huge this mist bank is. If you're sitting on the day bed and look down the bottom of the cleared area at the tree line just down from the rise. That tree line is where the mist is starting.
It is so thick and heavy that it appears in the light that you could walk on it. Ever since I could remember I always believed that you could walk on it and it would take you to where ever you wanted to go. Its not hard to see there I read alot of fantasy when I was young. I only ever tried once, hurt alot .........and thats something completely different and not what I'm talking about right now.
So, theres the view I have at the moment. Absolutly gorgeous and I've loved it all my life.
Got me thinking how much I love my view of the city from the balcony at home. I'm truely fascinated by it and could sit for hours just looking at it.
Both views are very cool in their own way, yet I sit here wanting to be looking at the other.
Don't get me wrong, I've had fun and its been great to be with my folks. But I'd like to come home now.
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Opa and Oma
Well today I found myself thinking of my departed grandparents. For obvious reasons actually as I saw them peaking out at me from a corner of the house.
Admittedly it was a little odd when I realised that my grandparents were hiding in a pillowcase next to the fireplace but hey, where else are they going to be I guess.
So for everyone else I'd like you to meet my Opa and Oma in their current home - the pillowcase.

Saturday, 12 July 2008
Its damn cold
I have a week off work and where do i decide to spend it? In Coramba at my folks place where this morning it had an inch of frost and its now 6 damn degrees outside.
Random thoughts of perhaps Frejak you could have spent this at home where you can chill out in less than 3 layers of clothes and then at night instead of having to have so many blankets that you can't actually move in bed you could curl up with warm boyfriend? But no I have to go to somewhere nice and chilly.
However there is a good side. The fires on, my dad and myself picked a bucket of macadamias off the tree and have been sitting in front the smashing the nuts open, eating them and then throwing the shells into the fire. Watching my tiny little newphew have a stare off comp with the fish, its an oscar and the last of three. I think it ate the others. Still no clear winner on that one yet. I'm not quite certain what my mum and sister have been doing, they've been doing something but whatever it doesn't make sense to me.
Mainly I've been sleeping in front of the fire.
Oh yeah and I made my newphew cry. How you ask? On the drive down this morning, he woke up when we got the the gold coast and heard me mumbling along to Static X. He must have recognised my voice cause hes looked over at me with eyes wide and a smile. Stopped, looked at me and burst into tears.
Real nice at 8am. Evidently he doesn't know me with orange hair. Doesn't know me ???? He's 4 months old. He doesn't really know anyone yet.
So theres my excitment for the day and now at least my fingers are kinda warm from typing so thats a good thing. And that as far as I'm concerned is worth it.
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Is there anything I missed?
The answer... is yes. Nobody has yet discovered a way to measure just how totally awesome I am. It's a big ask though, I'm pretty damn awesome after all.
1 acre = 0.404 686 hectares
1 acre = 4 roods
1 acre = 10 sq chains
1 acre = 160 square rods
1 acre = 4,046.856 422 4 square metres
1 acre = 4,840 square yards
1 acre = 43,560 square feet
1 acre foot = 1233.48 cu metres
1 acre foot = 1613.333 33 cu yds
1 acre foot = 43,560 cu ft
1 ampere hour = 3.60 kiloCoulomb
1 angstrom (Å) = 0.000 10 micrometres
1 angstrom = 0.1 nanometres
1 angstrom = 10-10 metres
1 apostilb = 0.3183 candela per sq metre
1 are (a) = 0.024 71 acres
1 are = 0.098 84 roods
1 are = 100 sq metres
1 are = 119.599 00 sq yds
1 are = 0.010 hectares
1 astronomical unit = 149.6 x 109 metres
1 atmosphere (atm) = 1 kg/sq cm
1 atmosphere = 14.223 35 lbs/sq in
1 atmosphere = 29.921 26 inches of Mercury
1 atmosphere = 101.325 kilopascals
1 atmosphere = 760 mm of Mercury
1 atmosphere = 1013.25 millibars
1 atmosphere = 101,325 Newtons per square metre
1 atto (as a prefix) = 10-18
1 bananosecond = the time it takes between slipping on a peel and hitting the ground.
1 bar = 1.019 45 atmospheres
1 bar = 100 kilopascals
1 bar = 1000 millibars
1 barrel dry (US) = 115.627 litres
1 barrel (US) = 158.987 litres
1 barrel = 159.113 litres
1 barrel of oil = 35 gallons (?????)
1 barrel of oil = 42.033 22 gallons (????)
1 barrel of oil = 159.108 60 litres
1 barrel of water = 36 gallons (Imperial)
1 barrow = 0.0765 m3
1 bath = 72 log
1 billigram = the weight an evangelist carries with God
1 board foot = 0.002 3597 cu metres
1 British Thermal Unit (BTU) = 0.000 293 kilowatt hours
1 British Thermal Unit = 1.055 06 kilojoules
1 British Thermal Unit = 777.500 00 foot pounds
1 BTU per gallon = 0.232 080 kilojoules per litre
1 BTU per hour = 0.293 071 Watts
1 BTU per minute = 0.017 58 kilowatts
1 BTU per minute = 0.023 56 Horsepower
1 BTU per pound = 2.326 00 kilojoules per kg
1 BTU per cu ft = 37.258 90 kilojoules per m3
1 bushel (US) = 35.2391 litres
1 bushel (Imp) = 0.125 00 quarters
1 bushel (Imp) = 4 pecks
1 bushel (Imp) = 0.036 37 cu metres
1 bushel (Imp) = 8 gallons
1 bushel (Imp) = 36.367 68 litres
1 butt of water = 110 gallons
1 butt of water = 500.055 60 litres
1 cable length = 140 fathoms
1 calorie = 4.1868 Joules
1 candela per square foot = 10.764 candela per square metre
1 cental = 45.359 40 kg
1 cental = 100 pounds
1 centimetre (cm) = 0.393 70 inches
1 centimetre = 0.328 feet
1 centimetre = 10 millimetres
1 cm per second = 0.036 00 km/hr
1 cm per second = 1.968 50 ft/min
1 chain (Engineers) = 100 feet
1 chain (Engineers) = 30.48 metres
1 chain (Gunters) = 4 rods
1 chain (Gunters) = 22 yards
1 chain (Gunters) = 66 feet
1 chain (Gunters) = 100 links
1 chain (Gunters) = 20.116 8 metres
1 chaldron = 1.309 27 cu metres
1 chaldron = 4.50 quarters
1 chaldron = 36.0 bushels
1 cheval vapeur = 1 pfederstarke
1 cord (wood) = 128 cubic feet
1 Coulomb = 0.1 electromagnetic units
1 Coulomb = 1 Ampere per second
1 C-ration = 100 rations
1 cubic centimetre = 0.001 00 litres
1 cubic centimetre = 0.001 76 pints
1 cubic centimetre = 0.061 02 cu inches
1 cubic centimetre = 1 millilitre
1 cubic foot = 0.028 317 cubic metres
1 cubic foot = 62.321 lbs (water)
1 cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches
1 cubic foot per minute = 0.103 81 gals/sec
1 cubic foot per minute = 0.471 93 litres/sec
1 cubic foot per minute = 62.430 00 pounds/min
1 cubic foot per minute = 471.947 44 cu cm/sec
1 cubic foot per second = 13.574 38 inches/sq
1 cubic foot per second = 28.316 05 litres/sec
1 cubic foot per second = 373.730 31 gals per
1 cubic inch = 0.000 02 litres
1 cubic inch = 0.028 83 pints
1 cubic inch = 16.387 06 cubic centimetres
1 cubic inch = 252.158 grains (water)
1 cubic metre = 1.307 954 cubic yards
1 cubic metre = 35.314 67 cubic feet
1 cubic metre = 219.975 54 gallons (Imp)
1 cubic metre = 264.172 gallons (US)
1 cubic metre = 423.776 00 super feet
1 cubic metre = 1000 litres
1 cubic metre = 1759.604 31 pints
1 cubic metre = 61,023.744 09 cubic inches
1 cubic metre = 1,000,000 cubic cm
1 cubic metre per sec = 2.918 57 acre feet
1 cubic metre per sec = 35.314 67 cu ft per second
1 cubic millimetre = 0.000 06 cubic inches
1 cubic yard = 0.764 554 cu metres
1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet
1 cubic yard = 168.183 37 gallons
1 cubic yard = 764.554 86 litres
1 cu yd per min = 12.742 58 litres per sec1 stone = 6.350 288 kilograms
1 cubit (short) = elbow to knuckles of a closed fist
1 cubit (short) = 6 hand breadths
1 cubit (long) = 1 short cubit plus a hand breadth
1 cubit = 12 to 25.2 inches but popularly 18 inches
1 cubit (bible) = 21.60 inches
1 cup = 250 ml
1 cup (US) = 240 ml
1 cup = 8 oz
1 cup (US) = 1.25 cups (UK/Aus)
1 cup (US) = 2.5 pints (UK/Aus)
1 cwt = see hundredweight
1 decacards = 10 cards
1 decadent = 3.3333 tridents
1 decametre = 10 metres
1 decimetre = 10 centimetres
1 decoration = 10 rations
1 demijohn = 0.5 lavatories
1 diagram = 2 monograms
1 drachm (Apothecaries) = 0.1250 ounces
1 drachm (Apothecaries) = 3 scruples
1 drachm (Apothecaries) = 3.887 93 grams
1 dram (Avoirdupois) = 0.062 50 ounces
1 dram (Avoirdupois) = 1.771 95 grams
1 dram (Avoirdupois) = 27.343 75 grains
1 duim = 1 inch
1 dyne = 0.000 01 Newtons
1 dyne per square cm = 0.1 Pascal
1 electronvolt = 1.602 x 10-19 Joules
1 ephah = 72 log
1 erg = 10-7 Joules
1 fathom = 1.828 80 metres
1 fathom = 6 feet
1 femto (prefix) = 10-15
1 fig Newton = 1 kilogram of falling figs.
1 fluid drachm = 60 minims
1 fluid drachm = 3.552 millilitres
1 fluid ounce = 8 drachms
1 fluid ounce (UK) = 28.413 1 millilitres
1 fluid ounce (US) = 29.594 millilitres
1 fluid scruple = 1.184 millilitres
1 foot (ft) = 0.304 80 metres
1 foot = 12 inches
1 foot candle = 10.76 lux
1 foot lambert = 3.426 candela per square m
1 foot pound = 1.355 82 Newton metres or Joules
1 furlong = 10 chains
1 furlong = 201.168 metres
1 furlong = 220 yards
1 gallon (Imperial) = 0.004 55 cu metres
1 gallon (Imperial) = 0.005 95 cu yds
1 gallon (Imperial) = 0.500 000 pecks
1 gallon (Imperial) = 1.400 95 gallons (
1 gallon (Imperial) = 4 quarts
1 gallon (Imperial) = 4.546 09 litres
1 gallon (Imperial) = 8 pints
1 gallon (Imperial) = 10 lb (distilled water)
1 gallon (Imperial) = 160 fluid ounce
1 gallon (Imperial) = 277.419 30 cubic inches
1 gallon (US) = 0.832 67 gallons (
1 gallon (US) = 3.785 41 litres
1 gallon (US) = 231 cubic inches
1 gallon (Imp) per sec = 4.55 litres per sec
1 gallon (Imp) per hour = 0.001 26 litres per sec
1 gallon (Imp) per min = 0.002 68 cu ft per sec
1 gallon (Imp) per min = 0.075 77 litres per sec
1 gallon (Imp) per min = 9.632 34 cu ft/hour
1 gerah = 0.050 sacred or heavy shekel
1 gerah = 0.014 666 667 light shekel
1 giga (prefix) = 1,000,000,000
1 gill = 0.250 00 pints
1 gill = 5 fluid ounces
1 gill = 142.065 25 litres
1 grain = 0.002 29 ounces
1 grain = 0.041 67 pennyweight
1 grain = 0.050 00 scruples
1 grain = 0.064 60 grams
1 gram = 0.032 15 ounces (T)
1 gram = 0.035 27 ounces (A)
1 gram = 0.257 21 drachms
1 gram = 0.772 40 scruples
1 gram = 15.432 37 grains
1 gram per litre = 0.062 43 lbs/cu ft
1 gravity = 9.806 65 metre per second per second
1 hand = 4 inches
1 hectare (ha) = 0.010 00 sq kilometres
1 hectare = 2.471 05 acres
1 hectare = 119.599 005 square yards
1 hectare = 100 ares
1 hectare = 10,000 sq metres
1 hectare = 11,959.900 46 sq yards
1 hectometre = 10 decametres
1 henry = Weber per ampere
1 hertz = 1 cycle per sec
1 hin = 12 log
1 hoarsepower = the basic unit of laryngitis
1 homer = 740 log
1 Horsepower = 0.745 70 kilowatts
1 Horsepower = 42.445 00 BTU's
1 Horsepower = 33,000 Foot pounds
1 Horsepower = 745.70 Watts
1 hundredweight (cwt) = 0.050 00 tons
1 hundredweight (cwt) = 4 quarters
1 hundredweight (cwt) = 50.802 30 kg
1 hundredweight (cwt) = 112 pounds
1 inch = 0.083 33 feet
1 inch = 25.400 00 millimetres
1 inch = 1000 mils
1 inch of Mercury (at 00C) = 3.386 38 kPa
1 inch of water (at 40C) = 249.082 Pa
1 IV league = 3 miles of intravenous tubing at Yale University Hospital.
1 joule = 0.737 56 foot lbs
1 joule = 1 watt second
1 joule = 23.730 42 foot pounds
1 joule = 1 Newton metre
1 kilderkin = 18 gallons
1 kilderkin = 81.827 28 litres
1 kilogram (kg) = 0.001 000 tonnes
1 kilogram = 2.204 62 pounds
1 kilogram force = 9.606 65 Newtons
1 kilogram per metre (kg/m) = 0.671 999 pounds per foot
1 kilogram per metre = 9.81 Newton metre
1 kilogram per sq centimetre = 14.22 pounds per square inch
1 kilogram per sq centimetre = 98.06 kilopascals
1 kilohurts = 1000 aches and pains
1 kilojoule = 0.947 82 BTU
1 kilometre = 0.539 96 international nautical miles
1 kilometre = 0.621 37 miles
1 kilometre = 10 hectometres
1 kilometre = 49.709 70 chains
1 kilometre = 1093.613 30 yards
1 kilometre = 3260.839 90 feet
1 kilometre per hour = 0.539 60 knots
1 kilometre per hour = 0.621 37 miles per hour
1 kilometre per hour = 16.666 67 metres per second
1 kilometre per hour = 54.660 66 ft per minute
2 kilomocking birds = 2000 mocking birds
1 kilonewton = 101.971 62 kilograms force
1 kilonewton = 224.609 13 pounds force
1 kilonewton metres = 0.329 27 foot tons
1 kilonewton metres = 0.737 56 kip feet
1 kilonewton per m = 0.030 59 tons force
1 kilopascal = 40.885 40 pounds force
1 kilopascal = 0.01 bar
1 kilopascal = 0.01 kilogram per sq centimetre
1 kilopascal = 0.145 pounds per sq inch
1 kilowatt = 1.341 02 Horsepower
1 kilowatt = 1.361 pfederstarke
1 kilowatt = 56.940 00 BTU's
1 kilowatt = 1000 Watts
1 kilowatt hour = 3.600 000 Megajoules
1 kilowatt hour = 3415.400 00 BTU's
1 kip = 1000 pound force
1 kip = 4.448 22 kilonewtons
1 kip foot = 1.355 82 kilonewton
1 kip per sq inch = 6.894 76 Megapascal
1 knot = 1.852 km per hr
1 knot furlong = the time it takes to sail 220 yards at 1 nautical mile per hour.
1 kor = 740 log
1 lambert = 3183.1 candela/m2
1 langley = 41.868 kJ/m2
1 league = 3 miles
1 link = 0.010 00 chains
1 link (Engineer's Chain) = 1 foot
1 link (Gunter's Chain) = 0.201 17 metres
1 link (Gunter's Chain) = 7.920 00 inches
1 lite year = 365 days on low calorie beer
1 literhosen = 1000 cubic centimetres of wet socks
1 litre = 0.001 00 cubic metres
1 litre = 0.027 50 bushels
1 litre = 0.035 316 cubic feet
1 litre = 0.219 98 (Imp) gallons
1 litre = 0.264 2 (US) gallons
1 litre = 1.759 60 pints
1 litre = 4.2 cups
1 litre = 61.023 74 cubic inches
1 litre = 1000 cubic centimetres
1 litre per second = 2.118 88 cu ft/ minute
1 litre per second = 13.198 53 gals per minute
1 log = 0.99 pints
1 log = 1 sextarius
1 lumen per sq ft = 0.0929 lux
1 lumen hour = 3600 lumen seconds
1 megacycle = 500,000 bicycles
1 megahurts = 1,000,000 aches
1 Megalitre = 1,000 cubic metre
1 megaphone = 1 million telephones
1 Megajoule = 0.277 78 kilowatt
1 Meganewton = 100.361 00 tons force
1 Megapascal = 0.14504 kips per second
1 Megawatt = 1,000,000 Watts
1 Megohm = 1,000,000 Ohms
1 metre (m) = 0.004 97 furlongs
1 metre = 0.198 84 rods or perches
1 metre = 0.049 71 chains
1 metre = 0.546 81 fathoms
1 metre = 1.093 61 yards
1 metre = 3.280 84 feet
1 metre = 10 decimetres
1 metre = 39.370 08 inches
1 metre per min = 0.037 28 miles per hour
1 metre per min = 0.054 68 ft per second
1 metre per min = 0.060 00 km per hour
1 metre per min = 1.666 67 cm per second
1 microfiche = 1 millionth of a fish
1 microscope = 1 millionth of a mouthwash
1 mil = 0.001 00 inches
1 mil = 0.025 40 mm
1 mile = 1.609 344 kilometre
1 mile = 7.500 00 cable lengths
1 mile = 8 furlongs
1 mile = 1609.344 00 metres
1 mile = 1760 yards
1 mile = 5280 feet
1 mile per gallon (UK) = 0.354km/litre
1 mile per gallon (UK) to litres per 100km - divide 282.481 by miles per gallon
1 mile per gallon (US) = 0.425km/litre
1 mile per hour = 0.447 04 metres per second
1 mile per hour = 0.868 40 knots
1 mile per hour = 1.609 344 km/h
1 mile per hour = 26.822 40 metres per minute
1 mile per hour = 44.704 00 cm per second
1 mile per hour = 88 ft per minute
1 military pace = 0.762 00 metres
1 military pace = 2.500 00 feet
1 millibar = 0.1 kPa
1 milligram = 0.015 43 grains
1 milligram = 0.000 04 ounces
1 milligram per litre = 1 part per million
1 millilitre (ml) = 0.00001 cubic metres
1 millilitre = 0.035 40 fluid ounces
1 millilitre = 0.067 tablespoons
1 millilitre = 0.2 teaspoons
1 millilitre = 1000mm3
1 millimetre (mm) = 0.039 37 inches
1 million gals per day = 1.858 09 cubic ft per day
1 million gals per day = 3.156 92 cubic metres per minute
1 million gals per day = 3,156.916 67 litres per minute
1 million gals per day = 4,545,960.00 litres per day
1 mina (Babylonian) = 0.016 666 667 shekel
1 mina (Babylonian and Phoenician) = 60 talents
1 mina (Phoenician) = 0.040 shekel
1 miners inch = 0.707 92 litres/sec
1 miners inch = 1.500 00 cubic ft/second
1 minim = 0.016 67 fluid drams
1 minim = 0.059 00 millilitres
1 monologue = 5 dialogues
1 nail (cloth) = 2.250 00 inches
1 nail (cloth) = 57.150 00 millimetres
1 nautical mile = 1.151 51 miles
1 nautical mile = 6,060.2 feet
1 Newton = 0.102 00 kilograms
1 Newton = 0.224 60 pounds foot
1 Newton = 0.224 60 kips
1 Newton = 7.233 30 poundals
1 Newton = 100,000 dynes
1 Newton metre = 0.102 kilograms per metre
1 Newton metre = 0.737 53 foot pounds
1 Newton metre = 1 joule
1 Newton per metre = 0.068 52 pounds foot
1 Newton per sq mm = 1 Megapascal
1 nickel = 1 paradigm
1 oerted = 79.6A/m
1 Ohm (international) = 1.000 49 Absolute Ohm
1 omer = 7.50 log
1 ounce (fluid) = 0.028 41 litres
1 ounce (fluid) = 1.733 87 cubic inches
1 ounce (Avoirdupois) = 0.062 50 pounds
1 ounce (Avoirdupois) = 0.911 46 ounce (apothecaries)
1 ounce (Avoirdupois) = 0.911 46 ounce (troy)
1 ounce (Avoirdupois) = 16 drams
1 ounce (Avoirdupois) = 28.349 5 grams
1 ounce (Avoirdupois) = 437.500 00 grains
1 ounce (Apothecaries) = 0.083 33 pounds
1 ounce (Apothecaries) = 1 ounce (troy)
1 ounce (Apothecaries) = 1.097 14 ounce (avoirdupois)
1 ounce (Apothecaries) = 8 drams
1 ounce (Apothecaries) = 31.103 49 grams
1 ounce (Apothecaries) = 460 grains
1 ounce (troy) = 0.083 33 pounds
1 ounce (troy) = 1 ounce (apothecaries)
1 ounce (troy) = 1.097 14 ounce (avoirdupois)
1 ounce (troy) = 40 pennyweight
1 ounce (troy) = 31.103 49 grams
1 ounce (troy) = 460 grains
1 ounce per sq ft = 305.151 g/sq m
1 ounce per sq inch = 43.942 kg/m2
1 palm = 3 inches
1 palm = 76.400 00 millimetre
1 parsec = 30,840,000.00 million km
1 Pascal = 0.145 04 pounds/sq ft
1 Pascal = 1.0 Newtons/sq m
1 paradigm = 4 nickels
1 paradise = 2 snake eyes
1 paradox = 2 wharves
1 peck = 0.250 00 bushels
1 peck = 2 gals
1 peck = 9.091 92 litres
1 pennyweight = 0.050 00 ounces (troy)
1 pennyweight = 1.555 17 grams
1 pennyweight = 24 grains
1 pentacost = 5 holocausts
1 perch = 0.025 00 rods
1 perch = 1 sq rod
1 perch = 25.292 85 sq metres
1 perch = 30.250 00 sq yds
1 pfederstarke (PS) = 0.735 kW
1 pint = 0.125 00 gals
1 pint = 0.500 00 quarts
1 pint (UK) = 0.568 261 litres
1 pint (US) = 0.4732 litres
1 pint = 2.5 cups
1 pint = 4 gills
1 pint = 20 fluid ounces
1 point of rainfall = 0.010 00 inches
1 poise = 0.1 Pascal seconds
1 pole = 1 rod
1 pole = 5.029 40 metres
1 pole = 5.500 00 yards
1 pound (avoirdupois) (lb) = 0.453 592 kilograms
1 pound (avoirdupois) = 1.215 28 pounds (troy)
1 pound (avoirdupois) = 1.215 28 pounds (apothecaries)
1 pound (avoirdupois) = 16 ounces
1 pound (troy) = 0.373 24 kilograms
1 pound (troy) = 0.822 86 pounds (avoirdupois)
1 pound (troy) = 1 pounds (apothecaries)
1 pound (troy) = 12 ounces (troy)
1 pound (apothecaries) = 0.373 24 kilograms
1 pound (apothecaries) = 0.822 86 pounds (avoirdupois)
1 pound (apothecaries) = 1 pounds (troy)
1 pound (apothecaries) = 12 ounces (apothecaries)
1 pound foot = 1.355 82 Newton metres
1 pound per ft = 1.488 16 kilograms
1 pound per sq inch = 703.069 01 kilograms
1 pound per sq inch = 6.894 76 kilopascals
1 pound per sq ft = 0.016 02 feet of water
1 pound per sq ft = 4.882 42 kilograms / m2
1 pound per cu inch = 27,679.882 13 kilograms
1 pound per cu foot = 16.018 45 kilograms / m3
1 pound of water/min = 0.000 27 cu ft/sec
1 pound of water/min = 27.299 71 litres/hr
1 pound force = 4.448 22 Newtons
1 pound force / sq ft = 47.88 Pa
1 pound force/sq inch (psi) = 0.006 90 Megapascal
1 pound force/sq inch = 0.069 0 kg per sq cm
1 pound force/sq inch = 6.895 00 kilopascals
1 pound force/sq ft = 47.881 94 Pascals
1 poundal = 0.138 26 Newtons
1 poundal = 32.400 00 pounds foot
1 poundal per sq ft = 1.4882 Pa
1 puncheon = 72 gallons
1 puncheon = 327.309 12 litres
1 quart = 0.250 00 gallons
1 quart (US) = 0.946 litres
1 quart (UK) = 1.136 49 litres
1 quart = 2 pints
1 quarter = 25 cents
1 quarter = 8 bushels
1 quarter = 12.70 058 kilograms
1 quarter = 28 pounds
1 quarter = 290.900 00 litres
1 quarter (cloth) = 4 nails
1 quintal = 1.968 41 hundredweight
1 quintal = 100 kilograms
1 quintal = 240.462 44 pounds
1 quire = 0.050 00 reams
1 quire = 25 sheets
1 radian = 57.295 60 degrees
1 radian = 57 17'45" degrees
1 radian per second = 9.549 30 revolutions per minute
1 ream = 40 quires
1 ream = 500 sheets
1 revolution = 360 degrees
1 revolution = 6.283 18 radians
1 revolution per minute = 0.104 72 radians per sec
1 revolution per minute = 6 degrees per sec
1 rod = 5.029 40 metres
1 rod = 16.500 feet
1 rod = 25 links
1 rod serling = 25 links to the Twilight Zone
1 rood = 0.101 17 hectares
1 rood = 0.250 00 acres
1 rood = 40 perches
1 rood = 1,011.714 11 sq metres
1 rood = 1,210 sq yards
1 scruple = 0.333 33 drachms
1 scruple = 1.2950 grams
1 scruple = 20 grains
1 semicolon = half a large intestine
1 seminary = 500 millinaries
1 sextarius = 0.99 pints
1 sextarius = 1 log
1 shekel (Babylonian) = 60 mina
1 shekel (Phoenician) = 50 mina
1 shekel = approximately 11.5 grams
1 heavy shekel = 1 sacred shekel
1 sacred shekel = 1 heavy shekel
1 span = 6 inches
1 span = 152.40 millimetres
1 square (house area) = 100 sq feet
1 square centimetre = 0.155 00 sq inches
1 square centimetre = 100 square millimetres
1 square chain = 16 perches
1 square chain = 404.685 64 sq metres
1 square chain = 484 sq yds
1 square foot = 0.092 903 square metres
1 square foot = 144 square inches
1 square inch = 645.160 00 sq mm
1 square inch = 6.451 60 sq cm
1 square km = 0.386 10 sq miles
1 square km = 100 hectares
1 square km = 247.105 38 acres
1 square km = 1,195,990.046 3 sq yds
1 square metre = 0.000 25 acres
1 square metre = 1.195 99 sq yards
1 square metre = 10.763 91 sq feet
1 square mile = 2.589 99 sq kilometres
1 square mile = 258.998 81 hectares
1 square mile = 640 acres
1 square mile = 2,589,988.11 square metres
1 square mile = 3,097,600 square yards
1 square millimetre = 0.001 55 sq inches
1 square yard = 0.000 21 acres
1 square yard = 0.008 36 acres
1 square yard = 0.836 127 sq metres
1 square yard = 4 quarters (cloth)
1 square yard = 9 sq feet
1 stone = 14 pounds
1 straight line = the shortest distance between two jokes.
1 super foot of timber = 0.002 360 cub metres
1 tablespoon = 40 ml
1 talent (Babylonian) = 0.016 666 667 mina
1 talent (Phoenician) = 0.02 mina
1 teaspoon = 5 ml
1 terrapin = 1 trillion pins
1 therm = 29.300 00 kilowatts
1 therm = 105.506 00 Megajoules
1 therm = 100,000 BTU's
1 ton (long) = 1.016 05 tonnes
1 ton (long) = 1.140 00 short ton
1 ton (long) = 20 cwts
1 ton (long) = 1140 kg
1 ton (long) = 2240 pounds
1 ton (short) = 0.907 18 tonnes
1 ton (short) = 0.892 86 long tons
1 ton (short) = 2000 pounds
1 ton force (US) = 8.896 kN
1 ton force (UK) = 9.964 kN
1 ton force per sq ft (US) = 95.76 kPa
1 ton force per sq ft (UK) = 107.25 kPa
1 ton force per sq inch (US) = 13.79 MPa
1 ton force per sq inch (UK) = 15.44 MPa
1 tonne = 0.984 21 long tons
1 tonne = 1.102 31 short ton
1 tonne = 1,000 kilograms
1 tonne = 2,204.624 42 pounds
1 tun of water = 250 gallons
1 tun of water = 1,136.490 00 litres
1 Watt = 0.001 34 Horsepower
1 Watt = 0.056 97 BTU's
1 Watt = 0.737 56 ft lbs foot
1 Watt = 1 Joule per sec
1 Watt hour = 3.415 00 BTU's
1 Watt hour = 3.6 kJ
1 Watt hour = 2,655 foot pounds
1 Watt per sq ft = 10.764 W/m2
1 won ton = 1000kg of Chinese soup (short)
1 yard (yd) = 0.914 40 metres
1 yard = 3 feet
1 yard = 914.399 20 millimetres
Where's the Big Mac fit into all this?
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
The Dude Action Figure
You know you want it.
Thursday, 19 June 2008
I have the power!!!
Our home internet connection is back and that means I'm back posting shit! Remember this mortals, YOU SHALL NEVER BE RID OF ME!!!
I will devour your souls
Monday, 28 April 2008
Spiderman tattoos and why they're awesome...

I've finally down-graded from fan-boy to fan. Thank god for tattoo freak!
Monday, 14 April 2008
Vodka & Pepsi
I'd like to encourage all our readers to send in any spare parts from your dooms-day devices, world destroying lasers or spare chemical-warfare toxins to me so that I can try and cobble together some kind of contraption that would end this soul-crushing agony. Seriously, I'd be forever in your debt.
This morning I came in feeling optimistic, after a great weekend, I thought today would be good. Of course I was deluding myself. I can't even get a simple "Good Morning" out of The Mumbler before he starts pissing me off. I'm starting to no longer care which one of us dies as long as it stops the pain.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Here's our new mascot.
This duck is dedicated to Salty. Good luck with your surgery :)
Morally Bankrupt: The Wobsite
Currently, MB:TW can be found at:
That wob address may or may not change at any given moment as is dictated by my whims and Google's willingness to allow such an option. I wasn't kidding about the 2 minutes, so I don't have a clue what I can actually do with Google Pages yet.
Lastly, I will likely never come back and alter the site links in this post, so if they don't work anymore it's your responsability to check Morally Bankrupt: The Blarg (that's what you're reading from right now as opposed to the The Wobsite which you're trying to find) and find the correct location.
I'm all about the interwob and it's tube/truck technologies.
Monday, 31 March 2008
That Handsom Devil speaks about death
I want my bones kept next to somebody with cultural significance, like Fonzy or William Shatner (heh heh). Yeah, somebody famous like Gilbert Gottfreid or the dog from 'Frasier'. That caveman they found? He was a punk, I knew him in high school.
Thursday, 13 March 2008
He's not *quite* dead yet...

It's not over till Monte Cook says it's over, dammit!
Thursday, 6 March 2008
He will be Critically Missed

It truely is a sad moment to know this. Along with many gamers I just wanted to take the time to acknowledge Gygax and the fantasitc things he has done to unlock worlds of imagination for so many people like myself.
Every gamer owes him a nod a respect - and maybe every gamer should sit his or her best d20 aside at your next gaming session, let that best & most favored die belong to him for the evening.
Gary didn't make us popular, or make us fit in with the general mass population of our schools and neighborhoods. He didn't empower us to do great things to earn our way into those groups... What he gave us was exactly what people like us wanted. A way to come together and hang out with others that enjoyed the same thing. To tell hilarious jokes that no one else understands and quote monty python. To sink into a world of power, fear, imagination and stunning feats.
May Galstaff sorcerer of light guide you.
Please join me in 1d6 moments of silence
Image from
Friday, 29 February 2008
Does today count?
February 29
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
February 29 is a date that occurs only every four years, in years evenly divisible by 4, such as 1988, 1996, 2008 or 2016 (with the exception of century years not divisible by 400, such as 1900). These are called leap years, and February 29 is the 60th day of the Gregorian calendar in such a year, with 306 days remaining until the end of that year. February 29 is also known as bissextile day or Leap Day.Events
- 1504 - Christopher Columbus uses his knowledge of a lunar eclipse that night to convince Native Americans to provide him with supplies.
- 1704 - Queen Anne's War: French forces and Native Americans stage a raid on Deerfield, Massachusetts, killing 100 men, women, and children.
- 1712 - February 29 is followed by February 30 in Sweden, in a move to abolish the Swedish calendar for a return to the Old style.
- 1720 - Queen Ulrika Eleonora of Sweden abdicates in favour of her husband, who becomes King Frederick I.
- 1864 - American Civil War: Kilpatrick-Dahlgren Raid fails - Plans to free 15,000 Union soldiers being held near Richmond, Virginia are thwarted.
- 1892 - St. Petersburg, Florida incorporated.
- 1916 - Child labor: In South Carolina, the minimum working age for factory, mill, and mine workers is raised from twelve to fourteen years old.
- 1932 - TIME magazine features eccentric American politician William "Alfalfa" Murray on its cover after Murray stated his intention to run for President of the United States.
- 1936 - Baby Snooks, played by Fanny Brice, debuts on the radio program The Ziegfeld Follies of the Air.
- 1940 - For her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind, Hattie McDaniel becomes the first African American to win an Academy Award.
- 1940 - Finland initiates Winter War peace negotiations
- 1940 - In a ceremony held in Berkeley, California, because of the war, physicist Ernest Lawrence receives his 1939 Nobel Prize in Physics from the Sweden's Consul General in San Francisco.
- 1944 - World War II: The Admiralty Islands are invaded in the American General Douglas MacArthur-led Operation Brewer.
- 1952 - The island of Heligoland is restored to German authority.
- 1956 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower announces to the nation that he is running for a second term.
- 1960 - An earthquake in Morocco kills over 3,000 people and nearly destroys Agadir in the southern part of the country.
- 1964 - In Sydney, Australian swimmer Dawn Fraser sets a new world record in the 100-meter freestyle swimming competition (58.9 seconds).
- 1972 - Vietnam War: Vietnamization - South Korea withdraws 11,000 of its 48,000 troops from Vietnam.
- 1972 - Hank Aaron becomes the first player in the history of Major League Baseball to sign a $200,000 contract.
- 1984 - Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau announces he will retire as soon as the Liberals can elect another leader.
- 1988 - South African archbishop Desmond Tutu is arrested along with 100 clergymen during a five-day anti-apartheid demonstration in Cape Town
- 1996 - Novelist Joan Collins awarded US $1 million from Random House for breach of contract.
- 1996 - A Peruvian Boeing 737 crashes in the Andes, killing 123 people.
- 2000 - Six year old Dedrick Owens shoots and kills Kayla Rolland, also six years old, at Theo J. Buell Elementary School in Mount Morris Township, Michigan.
- 2004 - Jean-Bertrand Aristide resigns as President of Haiti following popular rebel uprising.
A person who was born on February 29 may be called a "leapling". In non-leap years they may celebrate their birthday on 28 February or 1 March.
For legal purposes, their legal birthdays depend on how different laws count time intervals. In England and Wales the legal birthday of a leapling is 28 February in common years (see Leap Years, above). In Taiwan the legal birthday of a leapling is also February 28 in common years. In both cases, a person born on February 29, 1980 would have legally reached 18 years old on February 28, 1998.
- "If a period fixed by weeks, months, and years does not commence from the beginning of a week, month, or year, it ends with the ending of the day which proceeds the day of the last week, month, or year which corresponds to that on which it began to commence. But if there is no corresponding day in the last month, the period ends with the ending of the last day of the last month.[2]"
There are many instances in children's literature where a person's claim to be only a quarter of their actual age turns out to be based on counting their leap-year birthdays. A similar device is used in the plot of the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta The Pirates of Penzance. Frederic, born on February 29, was apprenticed to a band of pirates until his 21st birthday, which would not arrive until he was eighty-four years old.[3]
Holidays and observances
- Bahá'í Faith - Day 4 of Ayyám-i-Há (Intercalary Days) (in leap years only) - days in the Bahá'í calendar devoted to service and gift giving.
- Discordianism - St. Tib's Day.
- February 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- ^ Clarissa Bye, "Take the Leap Today, Girls," Sydney Morning Herald, February 29, 2004. Retrieved July 27, 2007.
- ^ Article 121 of the Civil Code Part I General Principles of the Republic of China in effect in Taiwan.
- ^ Not eighty-four, as the year 1900 would not be a leap year.
Ok, so there was a list of births, but it was boring as hell, so I cut it out along with the "Deaths" section. Seriously, who cares about dead people anyhow? Unless they come back as zombies, I'm pretty sure that they're not going to be causing any major trouble any time soon.
Moving right along, what is significant about today? Not much really. The average person will see about 15 to 20 of these days pass them by and will remember approximately 2 less than that. The one at the start is a definite no go as when you're 4 at the most, you just wont care and I figure that the one at the end will probably be clouded by Alzheimers or some other mentally crippling disease. I mean let's face it, most of the people on this planet already suffer from a massive case of stupidity, so I don't think that I'm making too much of a leap here.
There are two things that I do find mildly interesting about the 29th though (three if you count the Discordanisim holiday, but what do they matter?). Firstly is that in official terms, the norm seems to be that people born on the 29th have their birthday pushed to the 28th. Now I can sort of see why as it keeps their birthday in the right month and all that, but still it just doesn't quite sit right. I would prefer to celebrate on the 1st of March as that is technically closer to the actual anniversary of one's birth. Since I was born in August though, this is a moot point, so whatever.
The other thing I find curious is this tradition of women being "allowed" to propose to men on this day. What the hell? Sure this was all well and good to make a fuss over back in the archaic days when men had one set of rules and women another where matters of propriety and social acceptability were concerned, but come on, it's 2008 people! We have long since shed any pretence of social acceptability. Besides, I thought the rule was meant to be that men and women were equals now (except in areas of natural and irreconcilable biological difference) and this seems to set us all back a good 60 years or more. What the hell?
My conclusion after reviewing all my own evidence is this then: Today is special only because I've posted something up. Simple as that. I am a fair god and you are right to worship me and thank me for my beneficence. Letting you all stumble around in the darkness looking for a blog entry today is not something I would wish on anyone (except those that are deserving of my scorn) and so I have rescued you from a day of tedium and banality. Praise be to me for I have even provided the... "less wordy" among you with links to explain my glorious perspicacity!
In another 4 years it will be Frejak or Kahn that saves you.
Friday, 22 February 2008
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Wait, what month is it?
Anyhow, moving right along, we're once again coming up to another Equinox. I know that few people are overly concerned by this as you follow your more standard holidays, such as Easter or Kwanzaa (what the hell is Kwanzaa?) and that's cool. Around here, both Frejak and I prefer to celebrate something that is far more scientifically proven and far less commercial. Thankfully, our friends respect that much in the same way that we respect their holiday of choice. Actually, I'm eagerly awaiting the day that Kahn decides to start celebrating Kwanzaa. It may not be that far off. Joyous Zwanzaa to you if it happens Kahn! Incidentally, I know that Kwanzaa is at the end of the year, but I'm demonstrating varied traditions of celebration here so shush.
So yeah, Equinox. Since we're in the Southern hemisphere, it's the Autumnal Equinox for us (Vernal if you're in the less trendy Northern hemisphere). With any luck it will signal a change to a cooler temperature and maybe some more rain. While that wasn't a very technical explanation, here's a watered down version for the people outside of our hemisphere:
Did I mention that lately I've been spending a lot more time on the roads? Well I have been and I'm starting to wish I had a bullet for every fucker that doesn't know how to indicate. One of these days I'm going to get hit by one of these morons and they're going to blame me for it. I imagine this is how the conversation will go:
Non-Indicator: "Why don't you watch where you're going dick?!?"
Enraged Salem: "I was watching exactly where I was going when you suddenly and without warning, veered into me you psych ward reject!!!"
[Insert me punching the idiot in the face and saying "Surprise Cock-Face!" here]
Right, this is getting a little off track here. The point of all this was to basically post up something new before the end of the month and also let you know that Equinox will be on March 20th this year. I hope you all have a joyous time. Frejak and I will light an extra candle for all of you... except those fuckers that never indicate.
I've started weight training at the gym in preparation for the non-indicators.
Thursday, 24 January 2008
I am not the thief you're looking for...
Wasn't that awesome? He has a good point about the 3D being far more immersive and for people like Frejak, this is exactly what we need! I would recommend taking a look at the guy's website if you're into your techno-fantasies. I say that not because his stuff is fictional, but because as much as I can see an almost endless string of applications for his work, I doubt we're lucky enough to live in a world where industries are willing to listen to independent ideas regarding their own equipment.
Ahh well. Perhaps someday we'll see all the cool new tech being released straight away rather than getting held up for years by greedy companies that don't like letting the thousands of super-brains just do their thing and give us the kind of tech that we want instead of just having to put up with the simplest and most rigid applications that the companies let us have.
Surely there's still hope...
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Sling Shots
Back in the day, the Lychee Lounge was pretty much my favourite place to go out to in Brissy. The reason was that while the location and atmosphere were great, the drinks were just off the charts. While most of the staff there were pretty good, when I first went, I went with a good friend of mine that had worked at the Lychee Lounge and as a consequence, all our drinks were made by the best guy in the joint, Dustin Davis. Davis is a whiz behind the bar and so every time I went back, he was the one that we had making our drinks. I never got to know Davis super well, but he's the kind of guy that is smart enough to know that I will rave about him to anyone that wants to listen so he treats me well. When he left the Lychee Lounge to start up his own place with 2 other accomplished colleagues, I was more than happy to follow, thus I ended up at Sling. The more I go back, the more I get to say hi and see what he's doing with the place and truthfully, I just love being able to say we know the guy, he's just awesome.
If you haven't been yet, you should and you don't have to take my word for it either as there are a few others that are just as happy to rave about the place. It's not hard to find and it's very easy to want to stay there. The food is great, the cocktail list is seemingly endless and the place has such an awesome quality to it that you will not want to leave. Some people like bar hopping, but me, I'll stay planted at Sling and soak it up. I'm looking forward to Frejak's birthday, should be a great time with some great people. I just hope they remember to get back to her soon so we know how many to book for!
Best place for alcohol abuse ever!
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Mighty and Powerful Gods
Anyhoo... I was digging around on Google image search for a new avatar. Kahn and I have a long standing joke revolving around the main characters from Dreamworks 'The Road to El Dorado'. It's commonly accepted that he's Tulio (because he loves the monies) and I am Miguel (because I love making his life more difficult). I found what I was looking for after a while and added a bit of dialogue (as is my want) and here's what I have:
This is all very nice as far as stories go, but it's not actually the point of my post. The point of my post comes from where I found my little image. What is my point I hear you say? Quite simply it's that guys are not the only ones that have on occasion thought that a cartoon character can ring their bell so to speak. Indeed whoever this '' is, her little web-shrine to him makes it quite clear that Miguel is hers and we can't have him. Now, does this mean that because I will occasionally use his likeness as an on-line avatar that she's likely to take offence? I hope not. Still, it's interesting to see someone get so tied up in this sort of thing.
Now you can calm down, I'm not actually taking jabs at her (for a change) I just honestly find this sort of thing interesting. We've all seen people have a sort of fantasy crush on a movie star or fictional character. I'm sure I could type up a name or two and get a reaction. That sort of thing is generally accepted. Johnny Depp. Why then is it so much more ridiculous when the object of such fantasies is animated? For most of us, we know that it's all just a fantasy that is unlikely to happen. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that at the end of the day, why make fun of someone for fantasising about a cartoon character. It's not that different to fantasising about a movie star and really, shouldn't we be concentrating all our ridicule on Scientologists anyway? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with those people?

I'm having an awesome day today, so Scientology has to be in for it!