Friday, 30 November 2007

Santa's Reign(deer) of Destruction

Has this ever happened to you?
(Santa's Slay - Don't even ask...)

Ok, so having Goldberg come at you dressed like a mighty Santa-beast that is vaguely reminiscent of a lumberjack with a taste for homicide isn't the most likely of events, but still. This is the time of year that scares me. I've tried to armour up with my Solstice festivities, but this year I must spend time with my parents. That instantly kills my solstice plans as they see it as... I can't believe I have to say this... ~sigh~ a heathen ceremony. Yep, my folks are filled up with all kinds of religiosity and it grieves me.
With all this terror in mind, I'm attempting to spread some... cheer? No, that's not quite right. Perhaps "Drinking and Revenge" would be better. I present to you... From Sealab 2021:

"The Feast of Alvis"

Moon!? Moon, you freakish bitch!

Thursday, 29 November 2007

What’s new pussy-cat?

One of us has fallen. Mr. Wiggleman Fizz, The Coca-Cola Cat, Fizzy, Tiny Dancer, Mick Jagger. The Tiny Little Windy Man who loved chewing on plastic bags, chasing moths, and bringing home caterpillars, was too excited about life to look both ways and so sadly, passed away last night. Phrases like “cut down in the prime of his life” and “untimely demise” spring to mind, as do “squished guts” and “dead cat”. I knew from the moment his desire to be outside was greater than his fear of jumping out the window that it was only a matter of time.

The only positive thing you get from an experience like this is a small renewal of faith in humans. A complete stranger knocked on my door, hugged me and carried fizzy inside when it would have been easier to drive on and go home. Another complete stranger, who with tears in his eyes, explained that Fizzy had just run out in front of him, chose to stay and take responsibility for something I’m sure he would rather have pretended didn’t happen. Friends came ‘round and helped to dig his little grave. Other friends have cried and people who hardly knew him have said nice things. His Cuteness touched us all

I’m going to miss him that goes without saying. I loved that freakin’ cat so freakin’ much; anyone who knows me has been bored to the point of mindless drooling by my cat-anecdotes fueled by cat-love. This Saturday has been unofficially declared his wake, so we can all be silly and excited and chase bugs in memory of Fizzy.

I don’t believe in gods or souls or anything like that, so I guess all I can hope for Fizzy, The Good Mr. Wiggleman Fizz, is that science rots him well.

Monday, 19 November 2007


1. difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous: a rambunctious child.

2. turbulently active and noisy: a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand.
[Origin: 1820–30, Americanism; orig. uncert.] —Related forms

ram·bunc·tious·ly, adverb
ram·bunc·tious·ness, noun


Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Zombie Research 101

Has this ever happened to you?

Well, this was interesting. Turns out that our very own Crumples has found 5 scientific reasons a zombie apocalypse could actually happen. On the whole, I like it. Sure the people doing it aren't taking it as seriously as they could (or should), but they were kind enough to link out to a number of other articles that illustrate the points that they were making.

At this stage, I think that option 2 (Neurotoxin) is looking like a pretty viable one, but not as violent as I would have expected. Option 3 (Rage Virus) is probably the one that seems the most credible to me but it would make the zombies tough customers indeed. Nobody wants fast zombies, as the article says, they're the worst of all the zombie types.

At the end of the day, I only hope that this will inspire Kahn in just the right way for him to finally get out there and get the zombie apocalypse ball rolling.

Better hurry up man, I turn 30 in a few more years and I want to be at my peak for this!

Friday, 2 November 2007

Beaten to the Monkey Punch!

Hey there fellow readers! I was trying hard not to post anything new until you had all finished voting on the last post (shame on those who haven't done that yet!) but when I saw this, I thought I should mention it.

I frequent Pointless Banter. It's another blog similar to ours. We link out to it and I've posted up something to point to one of the articles there before. This time though, I'm pleased to say that our very own Kahn has managed to beat Kevin off the mark. This could be because Kevin loves our blog so much that he has decided to poach one of our articles, but I think it's more likely that he has only just gotten around to covering this topic. What topic is that? Why, crazy killer monkeys in Delhi of course!

I think Kahn did it better, but then I am totally biased towards our blog. What do you think?