Well here we are. We've all been very busy doing nothing over the holidays and now it's probably getting close to the time where we all go back to work and need something to keep us entertained while we're there. Truthfully, Kallisar could have been posting stuff as he has been working a lot over the break, but since none of the rest of us have really been paying attention, I can understand why he wouldn't bother. We're good like that.
Either way, I've had a lot of time off and now I have to start looking for work. I'm not overly thrilled by the prospect, but I need an income. You know the story. So just to recap for those of you that weren't there or were too out of it to remember, here's roughly what's been happening.
Solstice was a nice little affair at home with a few friends. One did decide to mess up the paved area out the back of my place with a lot of candle wax and man was he lucky to get away clean. I thought that Frejak was ready to stab him and I was in a mood to hold him down while she got the knife. The lesson here is this: I don't fuck with your shitty christmas celebrations, so don't you dare fuck with my solstice candles! Speaking of christmas, I spent the day drunk. Frejak, Kahn and myself went to spend the day with Frejak's sister for the day and we arrived at around 9:00am. After a small ammount of organising, we started drinking at around 9:30am and I pretty much kept going right up until about 1:00am on boxing day. It took me a good two or three days to recover.
New years eve was quiet but that was ok. I enjoyed it all the same. I was up much later than everyone else, but that's something that I'm quite used to now. I suppose that it's lucky that I don't mind being by myself. That may be quite a telling trait when disecting my psychological make-up but what the hell. I celebrated the new year by watching 'Farrenheight 9/11' and marvelling at the stupidity of Americans.
With that said, I'm going to get out of here. I have many on-line things that I need to catch up on and this represents but a small percentage of them.
If you can read this, you've got your glasses on.